Merging and reshaping data#

We are going to cover two main topics in this brief section. First, we want to learn about merging or joining data sets. Think of this like xlookup in Excel, or, more generally, SQL queries. In fact, you can do SQL in Python, if you’re familiar with it. We will also see concatenating, or stacking data. We will see how to reshape our data. We’ll see wide and long data. We’ll end with using multi-level indices to shape our data.

I’ll work through a few common examples below using stock data.

Here are some visualizations for what these different functions do.

# Set-up

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib as mpl 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

aapl = pd.read_csv('')
xom = pd.read_csv('')

aapl = aapl.set_index('date')
xom = xom.set_index('date')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 757 entries, 20190102 to 20211231
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   PERMNO   757 non-null    int64  
 1   TICKER   757 non-null    object 
 2   CUSIP    757 non-null    int64  
 3   DISTCD   13 non-null     float64
 4   DIVAMT   13 non-null     float64
 5   FACPR    13 non-null     float64
 6   FACSHR   13 non-null     float64
 7   PRC      757 non-null    float64
 8   VOL      757 non-null    int64  
 9   RET      757 non-null    float64
 10  SHROUT   757 non-null    int64  
 11  CFACPR   757 non-null    int64  
 12  CFACSHR  757 non-null    int64  
 13  sprtrn   757 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(7), int64(6), object(1)
memory usage: 88.7+ KB

Our usual set-up is above. Notice that I’m setting the index of each DataFrame using .set_index(), instead of doing it inside of the .read_csv(). Either way works.

By setting date as my index, it will disappear from the variable list.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 756 entries, 20190102 to 20211230
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   PERMNO   756 non-null    int64  
 1   TICKER   756 non-null    object 
 2   CUSIP    756 non-null    object 
 3   DISTCD   12 non-null     float64
 4   DIVAMT   12 non-null     float64
 5   FACPR    12 non-null     float64
 6   FACSHR   12 non-null     float64
 7   PRC      756 non-null    float64
 8   VOL      756 non-null    int64  
 9   RET      756 non-null    float64
 10  SHROUT   756 non-null    int64  
 11  CFACPR   756 non-null    int64  
 12  CFACSHR  756 non-null    int64  
 13  sprtrn   756 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(7), int64(5), object(2)
memory usage: 88.6+ KB

We can check and make sure that date really is the index. I’ll use the xom DataFrame.

Int64Index([20190102, 20190103, 20190104, 20190107, 20190108, 20190109,
            20190110, 20190111, 20190114, 20190115,
            20211216, 20211217, 20211220, 20211221, 20211222, 20211223,
            20211227, 20211228, 20211229, 20211230],
           dtype='int64', name='date', length=756)

Concatenating data sets#

Appending, or concatenation, or stacking data. This is when you simply put one data set on top of another. However, you need to be careful! Do the data sets share the same variables? How are index values handled?

You can use .concat() from pandas. Notice that our two datasets don’t have exactly the same number of rows. Older code might use .append() from pandas.

pd.concat((aapl, xom), sort=False)  
20190102 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 157.92000 37066356 0.001141 4729803 4 4 0.001269
20190103 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 142.19000 91373695 -0.099607 4729803 4 4 -0.024757
20190104 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.25999 58603001 0.042689 4729803 4 4 0.034336
20190107 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 147.92999 54770364 -0.002226 4729803 4 4 0.007010
20190108 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 150.75000 41026062 0.019063 4729803 4 4 0.009695
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20211223 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.02000 13543291 0.000492 4233567 1 1 0.006224
20211227 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.89000 12596340 0.014258 4233567 1 1 0.013839
20211228 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.69000 12786873 -0.003232 4233567 1 1 -0.001010
20211229 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.15000 12733601 -0.008753 4233567 1 1 0.001402
20211230 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 60.79000 11940294 -0.005887 4233567 1 1 -0.002990

1513 rows × 14 columns

See how there are 1513 rows, but the index for XOM only goes to 755? We didn’t ignore the index, so the original index comes over. The first observation of both DataFrames starts at 0. There are 756 AAPL observations and 755 XOM.

Let’s ignore the index now.

pd.concat((aapl, xom), ignore_index=True, sort=False)  
0 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 157.92000 37066356 0.001141 4729803 4 4 0.001269
1 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 142.19000 91373695 -0.099607 4729803 4 4 -0.024757
2 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.25999 58603001 0.042689 4729803 4 4 0.034336
3 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 147.92999 54770364 -0.002226 4729803 4 4 0.007010
4 14593 AAPL 3783310 NaN NaN NaN NaN 150.75000 41026062 0.019063 4729803 4 4 0.009695
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1508 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.02000 13543291 0.000492 4233567 1 1 0.006224
1509 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.89000 12596340 0.014258 4233567 1 1 0.013839
1510 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.69000 12786873 -0.003232 4233567 1 1 -0.001010
1511 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 61.15000 12733601 -0.008753 4233567 1 1 0.001402
1512 11850 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 60.79000 11940294 -0.005887 4233567 1 1 -0.002990

1513 rows × 14 columns

Here we ignored the index, so the new index goes from 0 to 1512. What should you do? I would ignore the index and reset it in this situation. Once this data is stacked, we have long or narrow data, where each observation is uniquely identified by the date and a security ID. We have three security IDs in this data: PERMNO, TICKER, and CUSIP. In this particular situation, they should all three work. The PERMNO is the only one that is guaranteed to not change over time. Stocks change tickers. Tickers get reused. Same with CUSIPs.

Stacking data sets usually occurs when you’re doing fancier looping, which creates some set of data or results for different subgroups (e.g. different years). You then can stack the subgroups on top of each other to get a finished, complete data set.

Reshaping data sets#

We are going to see two types of data, generally speaking: wide data and long, or narrow data. We will be melting our data (going from wide to long) or pivoting our data (going from long to wide).

In general, wide data has a separate column for each variable (e.g. returns, volume, etc.). Each row is then an observation for a security particular unit or firm.

In finance, it can get more complicated, as wide data might have a date column and then columns like aapl_ret, msft_volume, etc. Notice how the firm identifiers are mixed with the variable type?

Long data would have columns like firm, variable, and value. Then, each firm would appear on multiple rows, instead of a single row, and the variable column would have multiple values like return, volume, etc. Finally, the specific value for that variable would be in the value column.

You can also add an extra dimension for time and add a date column. Then, you would multiple variables per firm on specific dates.

Long data is sometimes called tidy data. It is, generally speaking, easier to summarize and deal with. Every variable value (e.g. a return) has a key paired with it (e.g. firm ID and date).

Here’s another explanation of these methods.

Let’s start with going from wide to long. We will use pd.melt to do this.

wide = pd.read_csv('')
0 10107 20190513 MICROSOFT CORP 59491810 123.35000 -0.029733 124.11000 288269.0
1 11850 20190513 EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 75.71000 -0.011102 75.65000 NaN
2 14593 20190513 APPLE INC 03783310 185.72000 -0.058119 187.71001 462090.0
3 93436 20190513 TESLA INC 88160R10 227.00999 -0.052229 232.00999 139166.0

This data has four firms, all on a single date. There are actually three IDs here: PERMNO, COMNAM, and CUSIP. PERMNO is the permanent security ID assigned by CRSP. COMNAM is obviously the firm name. CUSIP is a security-level ID, so multiple securities (e.g. bonds) from the same firm will have different CUSIPs, though the first six digits of the CUSIP will ID the firm. When you look up fund holdings with the SEC, you’ll get a CUSIP for each security held by the mutual fund, hedge fund, etc.

There are then four variables for each security: price (PRC), return (RET), the price at the open (OPENPRC), and the number of trades on the NASDAQ exchange (NUMTRD) Exxon doesn’t trade on the NASDAQ, so that variable is missing, or NaN.

We can use pd.melt to take this wide-like data and make it long. Why do I say “wide-like”? This data is kind of a in-between class wide and classic long data. Classic wide data would have each column as a ticker or firm ID, with a single date column. Then, underneath each ticker, you might have that stock’s return on that day. What if you have both prices and returns? Well, each column might be something like AAPL_ret and AAPL_prc. This is not really ideal. But - note how many shapes the same type of data can have!

I’m sure that there is a more technical term than “wide-like”. You can find examples of multi-index data frames below, which start to explore some of the complexities with how we structure our data.

Let’s make this data even longer. Long data will have a firm identifier (or several), a date, a column that contains the names of the different variables (e.g. PRC, RET), and a column for the values of the variables. I will keep PERMNO as my ID, keep PRC and RET, name my variable column vars and my value column values. I’ll save this to a new DataFrame called long.

long = pd.melt(wide, id_vars = ['PERMNO'], value_vars = ['PRC', 'RET'], var_name = 'vars', value_name = 'values')
PERMNO vars values
0 10107 PRC 123.350000
1 11850 PRC 75.710000
2 14593 PRC 185.720000
3 93436 PRC 227.009990
4 10107 RET -0.029733
5 11850 RET -0.011102
6 14593 RET -0.058119
7 93436 RET -0.052229

You don’t have to explicitly specify everything that I did. Here, I melt and just tell it to create a PERMNO ID column. Keep everything else. You can really see the long part now.

pd.melt(wide, id_vars = ['PERMNO'])
PERMNO variable value
0 10107 date 20190513
1 11850 date 20190513
2 14593 date 20190513
3 93436 date 20190513
8 10107 CUSIP 59491810
9 11850 CUSIP 30231G10
10 14593 CUSIP 03783310
11 93436 CUSIP 88160R10
12 10107 PRC 123.35
13 11850 PRC 75.71
14 14593 PRC 185.72
15 93436 PRC 227.00999
16 10107 RET -0.029733
17 11850 RET -0.011102
18 14593 RET -0.058119
19 93436 RET -0.052229
20 10107 OPENPRC 124.11
21 11850 OPENPRC 75.65
22 14593 OPENPRC 187.71001
23 93436 OPENPRC 232.00999
24 10107 NUMTRD 288269.0
25 11850 NUMTRD NaN
26 14593 NUMTRD 462090.0
27 93436 NUMTRD 139166.0

You can also have two different identifying variables. This is helpful if you have panel data, with multiple firm observations across different dates. This is obviously very common in finance.

long2 = pd.melt(wide, id_vars = ['PERMNO', 'date'], value_vars = ['PRC', 'RET'], var_name = 'vars', value_name = 'values')
PERMNO date vars values
0 10107 20190513 PRC 123.350000
1 11850 20190513 PRC 75.710000
2 14593 20190513 PRC 185.720000
3 93436 20190513 PRC 227.009990
4 10107 20190513 RET -0.029733
5 11850 20190513 RET -0.011102
6 14593 20190513 RET -0.058119
7 93436 20190513 RET -0.052229

We can put our long data back to wide using pd.pivot. You need to tell it the column that has the values, the column that has the variable names, and the column to create your index (ID).

wide2 = pd.pivot(long, values = 'values', columns = 'vars', index = 'PERMNO')
vars PRC RET
10107 123.35000 -0.029733
11850 75.71000 -0.011102
14593 185.72000 -0.058119
93436 227.00999 -0.052229

We can use the long data that kept the date to create wide data with multiple indices: the firm ID and the date. This will again be very helpful when we deal with multiple firms over multiple time periods. The firm ID and the date will uniquely identify each observation.

wide3 = pd.pivot(long2, values = 'values', columns = 'vars', index = ['PERMNO', 'date'])
vars PRC RET
10107 20190513 123.35000 -0.029733
11850 20190513 75.71000 -0.011102
14593 20190513 185.72000 -0.058119
93436 20190513 227.00999 -0.052229

Joining data sets#

You will need to join, or merge data sets all of the time. Data sets have identifiers, or keys. Python calls these the data’s index. For us, this could be a stock ticker, a PERMNO, or a CUSIP. Finance data sets also have dates typically. If we have several different data sets, we can merge them together using keys.

To do this, we need to understand the shape of our data, discussed above.


Fig. 33 Visualization for the four main ways to merge, or join, data.#

We will use pd.join to do this. I’m going to bring in two sets of data from CRSP. Each data set has the same three securities, XOM, AAPL, and TLT, over the same time period (Jan 2019 - Dec 2021). But, they have some different variables.

crsp1 = pd.read_csv('')
crsp2 = pd.read_csv('')

We can look at each DataFrame and see what they have.

0 11850 20190102 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 69.69000 16727246 0.021997 4233807 1 1 0.001269
1 11850 20190103 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 68.62000 13866115 -0.015354 4233807 1 1 -0.024757
2 11850 20190104 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.15000 16043642 0.036870 4233807 1 1 0.034336
3 11850 20190107 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.52000 10844159 0.005200 4233807 1 1 0.007010
4 11850 20190108 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 72.04000 11438966 0.007271 4233807 1 1 0.009695
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2266 89468 20211227 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.88000 7854290 0.002424 132000 1 1 0.013839
2267 89468 20211228 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.28999 9173504 -0.003963 133200 1 1 -0.001010
2268 89468 20211229 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 146.67000 11763496 -0.010925 133400 1 1 0.001402
2269 89468 20211230 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 147.89999 10340148 0.008386 133400 1 1 -0.002990
2270 89468 20211231 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.19000 13389734 0.001961 132800 1 1 -0.002626

2271 rows × 15 columns

0 11850 20190102 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.021997
1 11850 20190103 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 -0.015354
2 11850 20190104 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.036870
3 11850 20190107 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.005200
4 11850 20190108 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.007271
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2266 89468 20211227 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.002424
2267 89468 20211228 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.003963
2268 89468 20211229 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.010925
2269 89468 20211230 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.008386
2270 89468 20211231 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.001961

2271 rows × 6 columns

We can see that they each have the same IDs (e.g. PERMNO) and date. The crsp2 DataFrame has an additional variable, RETX, or returns without dividends, that I want to merge in. I’m going to simplify the crsp2 DataFrame and only keep three variables: PERMNO, date, and retx. I will then merge using PERMNO and date as my keys. These two variables uniquely identify each row.

I will do an inner join. This will only keep PERMNO-date observations that are in both data sets. An outer join would keep all observations, including those that are in one dataset, but not the other. This might be helpful if you had PERMNOs in one data set, but not the other, and you wanted to keep all of your data.

For this particular data, there should be a 1:1 correspondence between the observations.

crsp2_clean = crsp2[['PERMNO', 'date', 'RETX']]
merged = crsp1.merge(crsp2_clean, how = 'inner', on = ['PERMNO', 'date'] )
0 11850 20190102 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 69.69000 16727246 0.021997 4233807 1 1 0.001269 0.021997
1 11850 20190103 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 68.62000 13866115 -0.015354 4233807 1 1 -0.024757 -0.015354
2 11850 20190104 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.15000 16043642 0.036870 4233807 1 1 0.034336 0.036870
3 11850 20190107 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.52000 10844159 0.005200 4233807 1 1 0.007010 0.005200
4 11850 20190108 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 72.04000 11438966 0.007271 4233807 1 1 0.009695 0.007271
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2266 89468 20211227 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.88000 7854290 0.002424 132000 1 1 0.013839 0.002424
2267 89468 20211228 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.28999 9173504 -0.003963 133200 1 1 -0.001010 -0.003963
2268 89468 20211229 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 146.67000 11763496 -0.010925 133400 1 1 0.001402 -0.010925
2269 89468 20211230 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 147.89999 10340148 0.008386 133400 1 1 -0.002990 0.008386
2270 89468 20211231 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.19000 13389734 0.001961 132800 1 1 -0.002626 0.001961

2271 rows × 16 columns

You can see the RETX variable at the end of the merged DataFrame.

What happens if you don’t clean up with crsp2 data first?

merged = crsp1.merge(crsp2, how = 'inner', on = ['PERMNO', 'date'] )
0 11850 20190102 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 69.69000 16727246 0.021997 4233807 1 1 0.001269 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.021997
1 11850 20190103 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 68.62000 13866115 -0.015354 4233807 1 1 -0.024757 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 -0.015354
2 11850 20190104 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.15000 16043642 0.036870 4233807 1 1 0.034336 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.036870
3 11850 20190107 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 71.52000 10844159 0.005200 4233807 1 1 0.007010 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.005200
4 11850 20190108 XOM 30231G10 NaN NaN NaN NaN 72.04000 11438966 0.007271 4233807 1 1 0.009695 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.007271
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2266 89468 20211227 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.88000 7854290 0.002424 132000 1 1 0.013839 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.002424
2267 89468 20211228 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.28999 9173504 -0.003963 133200 1 1 -0.001010 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.003963
2268 89468 20211229 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 146.67000 11763496 -0.010925 133400 1 1 0.001402 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.010925
2269 89468 20211230 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 147.89999 10340148 0.008386 133400 1 1 -0.002990 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.008386
2270 89468 20211231 TLT 46428743 NaN NaN NaN NaN 148.19000 13389734 0.001961 132800 1 1 -0.002626 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.001961

2271 rows × 19 columns

Do you see the _x and _y suffixes? pd.merge adds that when you have two variables with the same name in both data sets that you are not using as key values. The variables that you merge on, the key values, truly get merged together, and so you only get one column for PERMNO and one column for date, in this example. But, TICKER is in both data sets and is not a key value. So, when you merge the data, you’re going to have two columns names TICKER. The _x means that the variable is from the left (first) data set and the _y means that the variable is from the right (second) data set.

You can read more about pd.merge here. Bad merges that lose observations are a common problem.

You have to understand your data structure before trying to combine DataFrames together.

Multiple Levels#

So far, we’ve only defined data with one index value, like a date or a stock ticker. But - look at the return data above. There is both a stock and a date. When data has an ID and a time dimension, we call that panel data. For example, stock-level or firm-level data through time. pandas can help us deal with this type of data as well.

You can read more about MultiIndex data on the pandas help page.

This type of data is also called hierarchical. Let’s use the crsp2 DataFrame to see what’s going on.

0 11850 20190102 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.021997
1 11850 20190103 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 -0.015354
2 11850 20190104 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.036870
3 11850 20190107 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.005200
4 11850 20190108 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.007271
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2266 89468 20211227 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.002424
2267 89468 20211228 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.003963
2268 89468 20211229 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.010925
2269 89468 20211230 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.008386
2270 89468 20211231 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.001961

2271 rows × 6 columns

We have PERMNO, our ID, and date. Together, these each define a unique observation.

We can see that crsp2 doesn’t have an index that we’ve defined. It is just the default number.

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2271, step=1)

I’ll now set two indices for the CRSP data and save this as a new DataFrame called crsp3. I’m using the pandas .set_index() function and passing the name of the columns in the list.

I then sort the data using .sort_index(). This does what it says - it sorts by date and then PERMNO.

crsp3 = crsp2.set_index(['date', 'PERMNO'])


20190102 11850 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.021997
20190103 11850 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 -0.015354
20190104 11850 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.036870
20190107 11850 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.005200
20190108 11850 XOM EXXON MOBIL CORP 30231G10 0.007271
... ... ... ... ... ...
20211227 89468 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.002424
20211228 89468 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.003963
20211229 89468 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 -0.010925
20211230 89468 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.008386
20211231 89468 TLT ISHARES TRUST 46428743 0.001961

2271 rows × 4 columns

You can see the multiple levels now. You can perform operations by using these indices.

Let’s group by PERMNO, or our Level 1 index, and calculate the average return for each stock across all dates.

crsp3.groupby(level = 1)['RETX'].mean()
11850    0.000124
14593    0.002221
89468    0.000315
Name: RETX, dtype: float64

Let’s do the same thing using the first level, or the date. This gives the average return of the three stocks on each date.

crsp3.groupby(level = 0)['RETX'].mean()
20190102    0.009468
20190103   -0.034527
20190104    0.022661
20190107    0.000009
20190108    0.007902
20211227    0.013219
20211228   -0.004321
20211229   -0.006392
20211230   -0.001360
20211231    0.001669
Name: RETX, Length: 757, dtype: float64

As before, we can use to.frame() to go from a series to a DataFrame and make the output look a little nicer.

crsp3.groupby(level = 1)['RETX'].mean().to_frame()
11850 0.000124
14593 0.002221
89468 0.000315

We can use the name of the levels, too. Here I’ll find the min and the max return for each stock and save it as a new DataFrame.

crsp3_agg = crsp3.groupby(level = ['PERMNO'])['RETX'].agg(['max', 'min'])
max min
11850 0.126868 -0.122248
14593 0.119808 -0.128647
89468 0.075196 -0.066683

With indices defined, I can use .unstack() to from long to wide data. I’ll take the return and create new columns for each stock.

PERMNO 11850 14593 89468
20190102 0.021997 0.001141 0.005267
20190103 -0.015354 -0.099607 0.011379
20190104 0.036870 0.042689 -0.011575
20190107 0.005200 -0.002226 -0.002948
20190108 0.007271 0.019063 -0.002628
... ... ... ...
20211227 0.014258 0.022975 0.002424
20211228 -0.003232 -0.005767 -0.003963
20211229 -0.008753 0.000502 -0.010925
20211230 -0.005887 -0.006578 0.008386
20211231 0.006580 -0.003535 0.001961

757 rows × 3 columns


The PERMNOs are now the column headers, so we’re treating each stock like a variable. You’ll see a lot of finance data like this, with tickers or another ID as columns. But, you can no longer merge on the stock if you wanted to bring in additional variables! This is why the organization of your data is so important. Long data is easier to deal with when combining data sets.

If I had defined the PERMNO as the Level 0 index and date as the Level 1 index, then I would have unstacked my data with dates as the columns and the stocks as the rows. That’s not what I wanted, though.

Columns and levels#

The unstacked data above has a PERMNO for each column. Underneath each PERMNO is a return. But, what if we have, say, both return and price data?

We can also add levels to our columns, creating groups of variables when we have wide data. Let’s go back to the wide3 DataFrame from above. We can also go even wider. Let’s get of the two indices, PERMNO and date, in wide3 and turn them both back into columns.

wide3 = wide3.reset_index()
vars PERMNO date PRC RET
0 10107 20190513 123.35000 -0.029733
1 11850 20190513 75.71000 -0.011102
2 14593 20190513 185.72000 -0.058119
3 93436 20190513 227.00999 -0.052229

Now, let’s create a DataFrame where just date is an index and go wider, where each column is now either a RET or a PRC for each PERMNO.

wide4 = pd.pivot(wide3, values = ['RET', 'PRC'], columns = 'PERMNO', index = 'date')
PERMNO 10107 11850 14593 93436 10107 11850 14593 93436
20190513 -0.029733 -0.011102 -0.058119 -0.052229 123.35 75.71 185.72 227.00999

We only had one date, so this isn’t a very interesting DataFrame.

I can take my DataFrame, select the index, and get the name of my index. Remember, indices are about the rows.


But, you can tell from the above DataFrame that my columns now look different. They have what pandas calls levels.

FrozenList([['RET', 'PRC'], [10107, 11850, 14593, 93436]])

See how there are two lists? One for each level of column.